Pimachiowin Aki is on social media! Please visit and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Tapacheemowin! (More news to come!)
New Executive Director: After a full-cycle recruitment and selection process, the Board of Directors welcomes Alison Haugh as Pimachiowin Aki’s new Executive Director. Alison brings a depth and breath of experience to the position, demonstrating leadership and acumen in addressing new challenges and opportunities. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter and look forward to future dialogue with you.
Memorandum of Agreement: an agreement between the Red Lake Regional Heritage Centre and Pimachiowin Aki Corporation was concluded in Red Lake, Ontario. This agreement affirms our commitment to collaborate and create a presence for Pimachiowin Aki in Ontario, including a sub-office at the Centre. Thank you to the Centre for this partnership opportunity and for hosting our Annual General Meeting!
Pimachiowin Aki Guardians Network: Guardians have been part of Pimachiowin Aki forever. The Anishinaabe tradition of Ji-ganawendamang Gidakiiminaan – keeping the land – is what Guardians do. This year, we have seen significant and measurable progress in our Guardians’ work to observe, record and report on the cultural landscape and ecosystem health of Pimachiowin Aki. Thank you to the Indigenous Guardians Joint Working Group and Environment and Climate Change Canada for supporting our Network – the only World Heritage Site chosen in Canada for the pilot project in 2018-19.