The Land That Gives Life
Boreal Forest
oQnOCBy rRnUusy
Pimachiowin Aki is part of the world’s boreal forest — a 1,000 km-thick belt of coniferous trees that wraps around the globe through North America, Asia, and Europe. The boreal forest stores more freshwater in wetlands and lakes and more carbon in trees, soil and peat than any other terrestrial ecosystem on earth.
The Lungs of the Earth
Pimachiowin Aki is part of the largest stretch of intact boreal forest on earth. The world’s boreal forest is crucial to the survival of the human race because its trees serve as The Lungs of the Earth, filtering greenhouse gases and storing carbon.
Protection from Human Activity

Much of the world’s boreal forest has been cut down, cleared for industry or cities, and crossed by giant highways. But not here. For over 7,000 years, Anishinaabeg have kept the boreal shield landscape as it was gifted by the Creator — intact and not fragmented by human activity. This is an exceptional testament to the continuing Anishinaabe cultural tradition of Ji-ganawendamang Gidakiiminaan (Keeping the Land).